This week has been rough for everyone, to say the least. First, the killings at Virginia Tech. Didn't involve me personally, but very disturbing to say the least. Then, a co-worker murdered by his fiance's ex-boyfriend. Next, my Mamaw gets news that she has failed her stress test and needs a heart cath. Friday, while I'm waiting to hear about how her cath went, I get a phone call telling me that my nephew, Hayden, has been in a car accident & is in ICU. Bless his heart, he's only 3 & I'm sure he's terrified. He's doing much better now & has been transferred out of ICU. He has a broken neck, which required placement of a halo; two broken legs, one which required surgery (2 rods & several screws to keep everything in place), and casts on both legs up to his hips. He is not paralyzed, thank God.
Mamaw had 2 stents placed & has to go back for another heart cath in 3 weeks - her kidneys couldn't take the additional dye required to visualize the other areas of concern. She did great, and is coming home today. :)
Here's a pic of little Hayden - I posted this back in December when he came up for Christmas. Please keep him in your prayers, as I'm sure his road to recovery is going to be a rather long one.