Saturday, May 09, 2009


I have been DYING to post this picture! I planned this for mother's day, and while it didn't turn out exactly like I planned (*sigh*) I still LOVE it! I got a huge 40x60 2 1/2inch gallery wrap & an 18x27 1 1/2inch gallery wrap for my mom & mother-in-law. They were delivered a bit early just so I could share my excitement! So without further adieu, adoo, a-do (WHATEVER!) here you go... brace yourself....

*I KNOWWWWW!* All together now.... "awwwww". ♥ Gee thanks. Makes a mama proud. Especially since this mama has been trying for a quarter of a century to get a picture of her kids together! =)

1 comment:

Terri said...

love love love my Mothers Day gift. Couldn't have gotten a better one. Love you