Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Back to work!

So my doctor wasn't too keen on the idea of me going home on Wednesday with my Potassium still low, but hey, I'm pretty persuasive if I do say so myself! I planned on going back to work on Thursday, but that didn't pan out, so I went back on Friday/Halloween - in full costume of course!

Here's a pic someone snapped at work with their handy dandy point & shoot. This is Shaun, the dead prom queen (kids- don't drink & drive, this could be you!); Lori, the last minute kitty cat =); and myself, as a rather sophisticated Geisha girl.

(Yes, I am mildly retarded, and no, I don't have a clue how a Geisha girl poses for a photo, thank you very much.)

Fun fact: Me & Shaun, along with 2 others (I'll have to find a pic of them) won the costume contest! Hip hip hooray! =)

Oh, and FYI - A few things I learned during my short stint as a Geisha girl.
1) You can pick up HBO with your hair accessories.
2) You WILL have a mild case of whiplash the following day after you catch the chopsticks on the door facing approximately 7 times getting in & out of vehicles. Ibuprofen works wonders.
3) White makeup is hard to put on & cakes up something fierce. Simply avoid tanning for 6 months and contract some horrendous stomach bug the week prior to Halloween for that authentic pale Geisha Girl complexion.

Happy Halloween! (better late than never, wink wink...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK, so next year I am definately doing the costume we talked about. And I am going to WIN 1st place! Ha, no one will be able to turn me away... He He, makes me want to wear it NOW! It will be the best. OK, so I officially suck at last minute costumes, although one tomcat was hot on tail. =)
See ya MOnday.