Monday, September 22, 2008

The hat

My best friend, Jamee & my brother Chris at Jackson's Birthday Party, May 2008 - the last time I saw him alive and talking. Notice his hat. The "Jesus" hat.

At the funeral home, one of the guys (Ben) from his singles' group at church told my mom that he'd tried to get the hat from Chris. My mom asked him if he'd like it. This sort of shocked me, because my mother was hanging on to everything she could get of Chris'.

Later on, Chris' daughter informed my mother that she wanted the hat. So my mother went on a search for this hat, trying to find an exact replica. I don't think she ever found one.... and I think Trinity forgot about it.... so the hat was all but forgotten.

Then yesterday, I saw where one of his buddies from the singles' group, Andi, lost her aunt. My heart went out to her. Andi has been so kind to me & my mother since losing Chris. I sent her a message telling her that I was thinking of her. And this is what I got back:

Thanks girl. I hope you're doing well. Chris' hat gets passed around to people who are having a bad week. He's still bringing joy to us! Maybe I'll get it this week. :) Love you! .

Yesterday was 3 months since his accident. I have struggled so much lately. What's bothered me the most is that I feel like people will forget him. And then... this message from Andi... that I feel sure was sent as a reminder that noone will EVER forget him. =)

And just for kicks, here's a picture of Jamee & Chris before the Who's Who Dance in 1994... 14 years ago! =)

I sure do miss my little brother.


Terri said...

Isn't that wonderful...Chris is still bringing people joy. Oh and Trinity has not forgotten the hat. She brought it up this weekend and I just told her that it meant alot to Ben because him and Chris always talked about Chris giving it to him. So she said okay. sigh
The reason I gave it to him is because I really felt Chris would want me to.....I miss him too.

Unknown said...

What a sweet blog! I think its really neat that you held on to and posted those two pics.